Monthly Archives: October 2016

The white flight of Derek Black

Washington Post: Matthew Stevenson had started hosting weekly Shabbat dinners at his campus apartment shortly after enrolling in New College in 2010. He was the only Orthodox Jew at a school with little Jewish infrastructure, so he began cooking for … Continue reading

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An Excerpt From Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s book ‘Two Hundred Years Together’ (Russian-Jewish History)

Alexander Solzhenitsyn writes: The Jewish break from the Soviet communism was doubtless a movement of historical significance. In the 1920s and 1930s, the fusion of the Soviet Jewry and Bolshevism seemed permanent. Then suddenly, they diverge? What a joy! Of … Continue reading

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Counterpunch: “Trump, Anti-Globalism and the Anti-Semitism Slur”

Steve Sailer: From Counterpunch: OCTOBER 14, 2016 Trump, Anti-Globalism and the Anti-Semitism Slur by JONATHAN TAYLOR There are few tactics in contemporary politics more effective than labeling your opponent as an anti-Semite. So, as Donald Trump’s campaign continues to ramp … Continue reading

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Who’s The Change Candidate?

Steve Sailer writes: “Trump is the candidate of change, Hillary is the candidate of stasis. Not surprisingly, roughly 98% of everybody who is on top of the world under the current Invade the World / Invite the World arrangements favors … Continue reading

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How to Spot a White Supremacist Online

“When you spot them, report them for abuse.”

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