Daily Archives: September 30, 2016

Alt-Right Vs Alt-West

Vladimir emails: 1. Twitter. You mentioned recently that you thought that blogs were no longer fashionable but that Twitter is the way forward. FYI, most of my acquaintances, 20,30,40 something hipsters and artsy-fartsy pseudo intellectuals, DESPISE twitter. Its even more … Continue reading

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Which Prominent Media Jews Back Trump?

I think it is hard to find anyone in media, Jewish or not, who supports Trump. Talkshow hosts Dennis Prager and Michael Savage support Trump. Jews dominate Breitbart and PJMedia (which includes Roger Simon, Michael Ledeen and David Goldman) support … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Media Applauds Hillary’s Latest Stroke of Genius: Praising Merkel’s “Bravery” on Refugees

Steve Sailer: From Politico: In swipe at Trump, Clinton names Merkel as her favorite world leader By NOLAN D. MCCASKILL 09/29/16 05:47 PM EDT Hillary Clinton trolled two White House opponents with a single response, dinging Gary Johnson and Donald … Continue reading

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UN Seeks To Stop Trump

🚨ALERT🚨 The UN sent this tweet! they are conspiring with Soros to stop Trump! Disgusting. ✔POLITICO Reported it: https://t.co/JQOJtmqUJi pic.twitter.com/XdO2CibAji — Brett Mac 🐸 (@TweetBrettMac) September 30, 2016 In an alternative universe, @nealstephenson would have a joint chair in WASP … Continue reading

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NYT: How Donald Trump Set Off a Civil War Within the Right-Wing Media

The war is between nationalists and globalists, between cucks and identitarians. It is not just a war on the Right between pundits. It is a war for the soul of Western civilization. New York Times: When Trump declared his candidacy … Continue reading

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