Daily Archives: September 13, 2016

How Many Americans Newspapers Have Endorsed Donald Trump?

I can’t wait for Trump’s enemies to get it good and hard. Washington Post: Last week wasn’t a good one for Gary Johnson. In fact, the Libertarian presidential nominee who stunned the political world with a single, dizzying question — … Continue reading

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The Best Privilege Is Jewish Privilege

Chaim Amalek writes: As a Jew, I get a Hollywood Studio, and a Bank, plus BOTH US citizenship AND dual citizenship (wink wink) in an ethnostate of my own. Take that, White Goyim!

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The Seven Deplorable Sins Of Secularism

From the Chateau: Racism Sexism Anti-Semitism Islamophobia Homophobia Xenophobia Judgmentalism The above is a riff on thecunt’s LGBTQ speech from Friday, in which she labeled Trump’s supporters a “basket of deplorables” (aka normal, sexually dimorphic Americans). “You could put half … Continue reading

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What Ails Hillary?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * As far as the nature of Clinton’s affliction, I’m torn between three choices: 1) Something cardiac related. The fainting sort of makes sense with this, and some think Hillary is wearing a defibrillator vest or … Continue reading

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Victory against Rams doesn’t teach us much about 49ers

Why is Los Angeles Rams coach Jeff Fisher considered great? His lifetime winning percentage as a head coach in the NFL is .524. He’s a Jason Garrett. Lowell Cohn writes: I praise the 49ers for winning 28-0, but I refuse … Continue reading

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