Daily Archives: September 13, 2016

Lil Wayne declares racism doesn’t exist because white people attend his concerts

New York Daily News: Rapper Lil Wayne declared racism dead on Tuesday, citing his white concertgoers as an example. When asked by “Undisputed” co-host Skip Bayless about a predominantly white Westchester audience for which he’d once performed, the New Orleans … Continue reading

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‘A Jewish holiday, a Gentile tragedy’ (F. Scott Fitzgerald)

Many Jewish holidays are also gentile tragedies. Passover celebrates for Jews the Exodus from Egypt. For Egyptians, however, it represents mass destruction at the hands of the Jews and their God. Purim for Jews represents triumph over their enemies. For … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right Has Its Own Comedy TV Show On A Time Warner Network

Joseph Bernstein writes: @Night_0f_Fire is in almost every way a quintessential alt-right Twitter user. He supports Donald Trump. He hates Hillary Clinton and questions her health. He retweets the full spectrum of the movement’s icons, from macho culture warriors like … Continue reading

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The Underground Neo-Nazi Promo Campaign Behind Adult Swim’s Alt-Right Comedy Show

Joe Bernstein writes: World Peace is far from a typical television show. As BuzzFeed News reported last month, the members of Million Dollar Extreme (MDE), the sketch comedy troupe who created the show, are the preferred court jesters of the … Continue reading

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Hollywood Predators

I moved to Los Angeles in 1994 and for the next two years pursued work as an actor and model. I went to classes, parties, and worked as an extra in TV and movies. The thing I loved about it … Continue reading

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