Daily Archives: September 13, 2016

The Fatal Jewish Flaw

Comment: With a black majority in the NFL, did anyone really not see this coming? Blacks protesting their poor downtroddeness and a Jew giving voice to their alleged suffering? Does this not fit the Template? And as in everything else … Continue reading

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Median Household Income Lower Than 2007

If you want to be a Gloomy Gus after this great median household income number, see highlighted paragraph. pic.twitter.com/STFBe9lkN1 — Neil Irwin (@Neil_Irwin) September 13, 2016

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FBI destroys evidence linked to Medicare fraud among Orthodox Jewish community in New York

Glenn Thrush writes for Politico: “All of the Medicaid cheats I grew up with in Brooklyn were Russians, I tell her. And Bernie Madoff, who was born here, ripped off more cash than a million Mexicans.” Immigrants sure seem to … Continue reading

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Why Can’t White People Let Go Of 9/11?

A Woman Is Being Harassed On Twitter For Her Thread On 9/11 And Black History (in part due 2 a possible Twitter bug) https://t.co/06ORTe4VYG — Charlie Warzel (@cwarzel) September 12, 2016 Blacks and whites have different histories, different interests, different … Continue reading

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The Syrian refugee crisis: A Jewish sense of responsibility

Jerusalem Post Sept. 9, 2015: “Talking to many supporters in recent days, there is a great resonance around our own history. My own grandparents were refugees in Britain, and I think my story is similar to many in my generation … Continue reading

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