Monthly Archives: September 2016

WaPo’s Anne Applebaum Embarks On Kremlin-Style Disinformation Offensive vs. the Anti-Globalist Right

Breitbart goes full Daily Stormer on @anneapplebaum: "Hell hath no fury like a Polish, Jewish, American elitist." — Sohrab Ahmari (@SohrabAhmari) September 28, 2016 Reporters should demand a response from Trump campaign since campaign CEO @StephenBannon is also chairman … Continue reading

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Inside the world of men who’ve sworn never to sleep with women again

The way the game is rigged these days, this makes sense. Luckily, in traditional societies, things are different. REPORT: The first rule of Fight Club – the 1999 film about an underground boxing club for men grappling with masculinity and … Continue reading

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Hillary Touts Ex-Miss Universe at Debate… Who Later Became Porn Actress and Accomplice to Murder

Gateway Pundit: On Monday night Hillary Clinton accused Donald Trump of being an insensitive boor for “fat-shaming” Miss Universe Alicia Machado while she was Miss Universe in 1996. Machado was representing the Miss Universe pageant at the time – which … Continue reading

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Clinton’s Latest Campaign Surrogate is a: Murder Accomplice, Hard Core Porn Star and Drug Lord Concubine…

Conservative Treehouse: This has to be the worst campaign vetting in the history of failed campaign vetting… Or the most horrible exploitation, Clintonian level exploitation, of a very troubled woman…. You decide. Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton’s entire campaign narrative is … Continue reading

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I Don’t Think Venezuela Is Sending Us Their Best

Comments at Steve Sailer: * NBC’s Today show just ran a lengthy interview of Machado, leading with a clip of Clinton at the debate, “Donald, she has a name. Her name is Alicia Machado. And she has become a US … Continue reading

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