Monthly Archives: September 2016

Hillary, Trump, and War with Russia

Fred Reed writes: A good reason to vote for Trump, a very good reason whatever his other intentions, is that he does not want a war with Russia. Hillary and her elite ventriloquists threaten just that. Note the anti-Russian hysteria … Continue reading

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Mass Incarceration as Respect for Women’s Independence

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The negative effects of third-world immigration on American and European women’s rights and freedoms, including the right to walk up the street without being constantly harassed, is something that is rarely mentioned in the debate … Continue reading

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Immigrants Replace Low-Skill Natives in the Workforce

Jason Richwine writes: It is well known that lower-skilled men in their prime working years — ages 25 to 54 — have left the labor force in increasing numbers over the past several decades. Experts have been reluctant to acknowledge, … Continue reading

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Irish, Italians And Slavs Might Save America

Comment: Just want to note that when you make the argument slavics and irish and italians and so on reduced the character of the nation, just remember the irish, italians and slavs are also the most pro white minorities and … Continue reading

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Is Jewish Rapper Drake Opening a Strip Club in Houston?

Tabletmag: It’s good to be Drake. He’s apparently dating Rihanna, which is most of the reason it’s good to be Drake, but he’s also got lots of money and other stuff that probably makes him happy too, contrary to what … Continue reading

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