Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Specter of the ‘Alt-Right’

From the Chronicle of Higher Education: It began, as many instances of sliming do, with curiosity, following Hillary Clinton’s August 25 speech denouncing Donald Trump’s ties to the so-called alt-right movement. Living as I do in a bubble, I had … Continue reading

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Compared To America, Israel Is A Low-Trust State

There are parts of American life that are considerably lower trust than parts of Israeli life. Overall, however, Americans have more trust in their government and in each other than do Israels. So what about Jews in the West? Jews … Continue reading

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Conservatism Failed

Vox Day writes: I don’t know who “Publius Decius Mus” is, except in the Samnite War sense, but this is the best article I have ever read at the Claremont Institute. It very clearly makes the case for the need … Continue reading

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WSJ: Jewish Baby Boom Alters Israeli-Palestinian Dynamic

By YAROSLAV TROFIMOV July 14, 2016 8:37 a.m. ET JERUSALEM—Israel’s peace camp and its international backers have long used one crude but powerful argument: Arabs make more babies than Jews and unless a separate Palestinian state is created, a demographic … Continue reading

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‘London is generally safe – but be careful in areas populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people’: Chinese airline condemned for in-flight magazine’s ‘racist’ advice

Daily Mail: Tourists are being told to avoid areas of London ‘populated by Indians, Pakistanis and black people’ in a Chinese airline’s in-flight magazine. Wings of China, the in-flight magazine for Air China, made the ‘racist’ comment in a travel … Continue reading

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