Monthly Archives: September 2016

Slate: Airbnb Has an Aggressive Plan to Stop Racism on Its Platform. Can It Be Enforced?

For the sharing economy to work, it must be racist and discriminatory. Would you let anyone into your home? Why would you want to let groups with high rates of criminal behavior into your life? Why would you want to … Continue reading

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Goofy Jew Tries To Free The Nipple

Judaism has a strong commitment to modesty, but a large number of those activists most committed to sexual freedom are secular Jews. New York Daily News: Women said ta-ta to their tops Sunday during a march through Midtown sponsored by … Continue reading

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Jews Fear Surge Of Gentile Nationalism In Europe

REPORT: The president of the Central Council of Jews, Josef Schuster, has reacted with anger to the strong showing of the AfD in the regional elections in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. “The AfD is not an alternative for Germany, but a sign of … Continue reading

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R. Yosef Mizrachi Attacked For Racism

From We, the undersigned, protest the visit of the preacher Rabbi Yosef Mizrachi to the UK. Rabbi Mizrachi is on record as expressing a variety of highly offensive, bigoted and hateful views: A. That Downs Syndrome children and those … Continue reading

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JPOST: Terrorism (or its absence) will decide the US election

From the Jerusalem Post: The reluctance of the government to take all possible measures to prevent terrorism may pave the way for radical elements in the opposition to take power. Well, the most effective means of preventing terrorism would be … Continue reading

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