Monthly Archives: September 2016

10 Weird and Wonderful Things About Living Among Hasidic Jews

Gavin McInnes writes in 2013: The Great Bike Lanes War of Williamsburg has been raging since at least 2009. Hot girls on bikes ride through Hasidic communities flaunting their blasphemously saucy legs and ungodly cleavage. The Hasidim retaliated by painting … Continue reading

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The Truth

Growing up as a Seventh-Day Adventist, telling the truth was ridiculously important. If you got a reputation for lying, you were finished. You were lost. You were dead. The Christian commitment to truth went to extreme lengths. For instance, if … Continue reading

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Google Blackballs From Search Results As Part Of Its Pro-Hillary Campaign

When I hired a company to investigate Google’s claim of malicious code on, they found my site was clean. Google simply hated a blog post using a Wikipedia entry that contained a few sentences about rape hoaxes. They … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Attack Dog David Brock Bears Scrutiny

Daily Caller: For a journalist actually interested in seeking the truth, there are plenty of questions to ask Brock. In a legal fight that the press has conveniently ignored, Brock’s former long-time live-in boyfriend William Grey (whom Brock has thanked … Continue reading

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Does This Make Me A Bad Jew?

A friend says: “I moved my restaurant seat from bar to table because I didn’t want to listen to an incoming shvartzeh couple chatter or have to suffer their attempts at engagement in conversation. Does that make me a bad … Continue reading

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