Monthly Archives: September 2016

Trump Needs To Lose 20 Pounds

CNN: Donald Trump, the man whose doctor claims would be the “healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency,” doesn’t exercise, wants to lose at least 15 pounds and is on medication to control his cholesterol. Those are the some of … Continue reading

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Does Hillary Have Parkinson’s Disease?

I’ve been taking provigil for four years so that I can be more alert and focused. TruePundit: We know now that as Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton dispatched her executive staff in the State Dept. to help conduct research on … Continue reading

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Orthodox Judaism Will Be The Last Stand Of Implicit White Identity II

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Even most of the excellent non ghetto public schools in California are majority Nonwhite, Asian to be exact. Your White kids will not get beat up for being White in these schools, but they might … Continue reading

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Mosaic: ‘In the Safe Spaces on Campus, No Jews Allowed’

Mosaic magazine: “College students have risen up to fight racism on campuses across the country. But it is often those very same students who subject Jewish students to anti-Semitism.” That’s not a useful analysis. Who-whom is more accurate. Who is … Continue reading

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Safran Foer’s New Novel Explores Divorce Between Liberal Jewish Americans and Israel

Many left-wing Jews choose leftism over ethnic loyalty. Haaretz: ‘Here I Am’ shows how because of Israel’s growing ethno-nationalism, embarrassment has replaced guilt as his generation’s dominant feeling toward Israel. “Here I Am” is Jonathan Safran Foer’s first novel after … Continue reading

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