Monthly Archives: September 2016

The Ellul Challenge

Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein writes: “If they understood the effect the chiming of the church bells had on the Jewish soul, they would never stop them.” So observed a Torah sage of a different generation, when the grandeur and power of … Continue reading

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The Trump Tallis and Outsider Journalism

Rabbi Yitzhok Adlerstein writes: When a black pastor in Detroit draped a tallis around the shoulders of The Donald, Jewish tongues started clucking with disapproval. “Cultural appropriation!” “He’s an anti-Semite!” Notably, the vehemence, as best as I could tell, all … Continue reading

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Conservatism In Crisis

Rabbi Avi Shafran writes: The alt-right’s “intellectual godfather,” in many eyes, is Jared Taylor. Although he characterizes himself as a “white advocate,” he strongly rejects being labeled racist, contending that his “racialism” is “moderate and commonsensical,” a benign form of … Continue reading

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Jill Soloway: ‘Any Moment That I Have to Call Trump Out for Being an Inheritor to Hitler, I Will’

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Celebrity Rabbi, Asked to Pray for GOP, Picks Mourner’s Prayer

Should not the Jennifer Rubins of the pundit world be replaced by right-wing pundits of the variety that the voters actually support? Or should WAPO continue to pretend to have right-wing commentators when they only have jesters? What will that … Continue reading

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