Monthly Archives: September 2016

Yair Rosenberg: ‘Jackie Walker Can’t Stop Saying Offensive Things About Jews’

I’ve never been offended by anything I have ever heard. What kind of wimp bases an essay on somebody’s ‘offensive’ words? Words are only offensive to those who choose to get offended. Whenever I see an argument based on ‘offense,’ … Continue reading

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Did Donald Trump Make His Biggest Mistake Yet by Fat-and-Slut-Shaming Alicia Machado?

The point of feminism is to expand sexual options for women and to reduce them for men. I was watching last night the new Frontline documentary “The Choice” about Trump and Hillary, and one of Hillary’s university friends said it … Continue reading

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Forward: Wealthy Orthodox Couples Charged in $1.3M Brooklyn Benefits Scam

Forward article. Justice Department release: Preet Bharara, the United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, and Mark G. Peters, Commissioner of the New York City Department of Investigation (“DOI”), announced today the filing of criminal charges against … Continue reading

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Does Trump Realize He Lost The First Debate?

My view is that over the past 40 years, all MSM pundits (George Will, Charles Krauthammer, Rich Lowry, etc) have been revealed as useless (except Ann Coulter in the past 18 months). Steve Sailer is worth more than every MSM … Continue reading

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Daily Beast Tries To Take Down Mike Cernovich

I think this is a disgusting piece. None of the quotes from Cernovich in this Lloyd Grove article are heinous. They strike me as within the range of normal and healthy opinion. I am neither a Cernovich fan or detractor. … Continue reading

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