Monthly Archives: September 2016

“Rabbi To The Stars” Loses Congregation After Five Divorces

David Shapiro writes: Take the case of Rabbi Marc Schneier, 57, the founder and leader of the Orthodox Hampton Synagogue, and a man who has been married and divorced five times. Schneier is the 18th generation of a rabbinic line, … Continue reading

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Seinfeld: The Postponement

From Wikipedia: Elaine’s dog problem is solved by a rabbi in her apartment complex with a cable show. Elaine later confides in the rabbi about her insecurity about George getting engaged. The rabbi later tells several people, including Jerry, about … Continue reading

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Gentile Nationalisms Are Dangerous For Jews

An Orthodox friend told me the other day: “The type of nativism and nationalism Donald Trump is stirring up is dangerous for Jews. We might not be safe here in five years. I’m preparing to move to Israel.” Luke: “We … Continue reading

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Kevin O’Sullivan: ‘What happened when I was charged with a hate crime’

From The Spectator in England: After a 30-second scuffle on a train, it took 20 months and £15,000 to clear my name For 20 months, I stood accused of a hate crime: homophobically motivated common assault. The British Transport Police … Continue reading

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Tabletmag: ‘Sharing a home with a black man teaches you more about your white privilege than any book could’

The only thing that the Coalition of the Fringe has in common is hatred of white people. From “Carly Pildis is a Political Organizer who has spent her career fighting for social/economic justice and equality. She has worked on … Continue reading

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