Monthly Archives: September 2016

What Is Hillary’s Health Problem?

From American Thinker: Other doctors have also pointed out how the photo-op undercut the “pneumonia” explanation. “I’m feeling great,” Hillary said three times, not something a pneumonia patient is likely to exclaim. 4. Apart from a case of “mild non-contagious … Continue reading

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Wall Street Money Going 99-1 For Hillary

FoxNews: Wall Street for Hillary?:Clinton has $48.5M in hedge fund backing, compared to Trump’s $19K Comments at Steve Sailer: * In the mid-1990s, I freaked out the senior management of my bank by showing them several pages of FEC records … Continue reading

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Is Baseball Too White?

Are shuls too Jewish? Are churches too Christian? Is Hollywood too Jewish? Is the NBA too black? Slate editor Josh Levin writes: From the moment he made his debut for the Marlins, he ignored the fusty expectation that players—often young, … Continue reading

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WP: ‘These charts show exactly how racist and radical the alt-right has gotten this year’

Jews who hate gentiles are more likely to strongly identify as Jewish than Jews who don’t hate gentiles. Blacks who hate whites are more likely to strongly identify as black than blacks who don’t hate whites. Whites who hates Jews … Continue reading

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The Debate – Open Thread

Comments at Steve Sailer: * For Hillary, it all began on September 5th with a 4-minute coughing jag and ended on September 11th with a complete collapse in the gutter of a city street : she was then thrown into … Continue reading

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