Monthly Archives: September 2016

LAT: Alicia Machado, former Miss Universe insulted by Trump, emerges as forceful Clinton ally

The MSM are lining up behind this accused accomplice to murder. When Hillary Clinton told the 84 million people watching the presidential debate how Donald Trump disparaged Alicia Machado’s weight and ethnicity during her tenure as Miss Universe, the former … Continue reading

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Police vs Menace

If somebody is so mentally ill that they don’t know what they’re doing and they’re threatening the public order, they shouldn’t be allowed around decent people. A woman who claims a man was so charismatic that she couldn’t help sleeping … Continue reading

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The Tech Jihad For Hillary

This is what happens when you post too much pro-Trump information on Facebook. 3 computers + phone blocked. @CassandraRules @Cernovich — Andrew Meyer (@TheAndrewMeyer) September 28, 2016

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Orthodox Jews Will Vote For Trump

The more Jewish the Jew, the more likely he will vote for Trump over Hillary. I’ve met few Orthodox Jew who are enthused about Donald Trump (most I know wanted Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz), but about … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Hilarious Life of Alicia Machado, Hillary’s Tragic Latina Victim of Trump’s Sexism

How did Hillary Clinton and her team buy this woman’s story hook, line and sinker? Because it served their narrative against Trump. Hillary and company are willing to believe the most absurd and dangerous people in their desire to destroy … Continue reading

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