Monthly Archives: September 2016

Border and Order in the Debate

Steve Sailer writes: One hour and one minute into the first presidential debate, Donald Trump finally mentioned, in passing, the word that had gotten him this far: “border.” And then Trump immediately forgot to bring up borders anymore, other than … Continue reading

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WP Writer: ‘I never worry I’ll be shot in Chicago. After all, I’m white.’

I never worry about being shot by police either because I obey the law and when pulled over for a moving violation, I always follow the officer’s directions. This guy is saying that white people are less likely to provoke … Continue reading

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The Comeback Of Sextin’ Joe

Washington Post: Everyone in Richmond knows about Joe and Myrna Morrissey, as do many across Virginia and as far away as Europe, having feasted on a gush of salacious stories three years ago about the then-55-year-old state lawmaker who went … Continue reading

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One Reason Hillary Hates Trump

From the Chateau: Policy disagreements rarely inspire the kind of primal hate that revulsion on a deep psychological level inspires. Thecunt’s hate for Trump — and it is a real hate — issues from the latter. Reader Ironpusher provides the … Continue reading

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Alicia Machado Played 600-Pound Character In Fat Suit, Then Complained About Fat-Shaming

GotNews: …Alicia Machado played a morbidly obese 600 lbs character in a fat suit in 2012, even though now Machado is claiming Donald Trump “fat shamed” her in the 1990s. As a pageantry news site reported in 2012: Former Miss … Continue reading

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