Daily Archives: August 26, 2016

PBS: Bill Kristol’s Son-in-law Denounces “Alt-right” Nobodies Because They “Believe in Hierarchies”

Steve Sailer writes: … Continetti, like all respectable conservatives, hates the very idea of hierarchies. Look at how Continetti’s father-in-law, William Kristol, came up the hard way from the ground up without a privilege in the world, what with being … Continue reading

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Hillary: Trump Would Ban 1.5 Billion Muslims from Entering the U.S.

Steve Sailer writes: Hillary takes skepticism about Muslim immigration very personally. To Hillary, American immigration policy is, first and foremost, all about her Huma. COMMENTS: * They make a lovely couple. Both are officially “married” to pervert/sex offenders, but they … Continue reading

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Where Are the Black Rudy Giulianies?

Robert Weissberg writes: Reaction to the recent Milwaukee riot has followed a predictable script and for liberals this requires insisting that that blacks themselves are largely blameless for the “uprising.” But, even if liberals admit that some Milwaukee residents were … Continue reading

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