Monthly Archives: August 2016

I wish I knew where the Washington Post stood on Donald Trump

From right now: Top left: From July 22:

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Steve Sailer: Pope Pretty Much Plagiarizes Lennon’s “Imagine”

Comments: * He’s an old man in a dress…. Should we really be surprised that an organization of drag queens is like this? * “Having condemned borders, the Pontiff then returned to his walled compound.” I visited the Vatican last … Continue reading

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Donald Trump and the American Crisis

John Marini writes for the Claremont Review: Since the end of the Cold War, American leaders have understood their offices in terms of global and administrative rule, rather than political rule on behalf of the American people and the sovereignty … Continue reading

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Should Moving To The USA Be Easy Or Hard?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * At the beginning of the Roman Republic through the glory days of the Empire, Roman citizenship was extremely hard to come by. You might get conquered by the Romans and move to Rome itself with … Continue reading

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Sonia Kruger calls on Australia to stop taking Muslim immigrants

Most Australians, just like most Americans, don’t want Muslims in their land. Sydney Morning Herald: Sonia Kruger has courted controversy on morning television by calling on Australia to ban Muslim immigrants, prompting a stand-off with fellow presenter David Campbell. The … Continue reading

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