Monthly Archives: August 2016

Orthodox Rabbi Philip Esformes Charged in Unprecedented $1B Medicare Fraud Case in Miami

BACKGROUND: “Nursing Home Baron Rabbi Morris Esformes: “Beside the fact that they’re anti-mental health and anti-black, they’re probably anti-Jew because I’m an ordained rabbi”” NEWS: The largest ever criminal health care fraud case surfaced last week when Justice Department officials … Continue reading

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Jewish Healthcare Charity Settles Medicaid Fraud Suit For $47 Million

Report: A Jewish healthcare charity founded by the Bertha Alperstein, the wife of Talmud scholar and Rabbi Abraham Alperstein, almost a century ago in his honor has agreed to repay $47 million to the State of New York and the … Continue reading

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FBI destroys evidence linked to Medicare fraud among Orthodox Jewish community in New York

JPOST 2015: The FBI destroyed records indicating potential Medicaid fraud among haredi Orthodox Jews in upstate New York’s Orange County because they came from an unauthorized investigation. Justin Rodriguez, a spokesman for Orange County, told MidHudson News on Tuesday that … Continue reading

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What Was Obama’s LSAT Score?

From Steve Sailer in 2013: From Breitbart in 2012: A new, self-published book [Barack O’Liberal] by “pragmatic libertarian” Alan R. Lockwood claims that Barack Obama, while brilliant, may have entered Harvard Law School in the bottom 20% of his class, based … Continue reading

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WEHT To Hawaii?

Steve Sailer writes: We’ve had a couple of commenters in the past who were superbright Hawaiian intellectuals, which is a pretty rare thing. The federal government has invested a lot of money in Hawaii over the decades. For example, Congress … Continue reading

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