Monthly Archives: August 2016

Orlando shooter’s father attends Hillary Clinton rally in Kissimmee – Seddique Mateen seen sitting right behind Clinton

REPORT: NewsChannel 5 asked Mateen what he was thinking about when Clinton spoke about the Orlando incident. “We’ve been cooperating with the federal government, and that’s about it,” he said. “Thank you.” Mateen didn’t want to answer any other questions, … Continue reading

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Which Republicans Are Breaking Up With Trump?

The Washington Post nails it: “Every Republican who has bucked Trump can be pretty easily categorized. A clear pattern emerges: The less directly and immediately accountable to Republican base voters an elected official is, the more likely he or she … Continue reading

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Error puts Chinese tourist in German migrant hostel

BBC: A Chinese tourist spent nearly two weeks in a German migrant hostel after mistakenly applying for asylum when he actually wanted to report a theft. German media say the 31-year-old backpacker, who spoke neither German nor English, underwent a … Continue reading

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LAT: Six new CBS series, six white male leads. With prime-time diversity growing, how did the network fall behind?

The MSM’s onslaught against whites is relentless. I bet Israel does not bemoan Israeli TV series with Jewish leads. I bet Japan does not bemoan TV series with Japanese leads. Los Angeles Times: “Few of its fall programs in the … Continue reading

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NYT: Balance, Fairness and a Proudly Provocative Presidential Candidate

Jim Rutenberg writes for the New York Times today: No living journalist has ever seen a major party nominee put financial conditions on the United States defense of NATO allies, openly fight with the family of a fallen American soldier, … Continue reading

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