Monthly Archives: August 2016

Is Race A Valid Organizing Principle?

Chaim Amalek writes: “When a man attacks nationalism or race as an organizing concept among nations, I assume he hates the fact that Israel was founded as an ethnostate especially for Jews. In other words, I fear he may be … Continue reading

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HBD At The Olympics

Steve Sailer writes: In the past, the judges gave taller, more elegantly moving young women advantages because they looked better. But that gave an advantage to Eastern European girls raised in the traditions behind the Bolshoi ballet. The Americans have … Continue reading

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Do We Fight For Values?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Edward Norman (then Dean of Peterhouse) had attempted to mount a Christian argument for nuclear weapons. The discussion moved on to ‘Western values’. Mrs Thatcher said (in effect) that Norman had shown that the Bomb … Continue reading

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When Your Masseuse/Alexander Teacher Is A Bloke

Most of my Alexander teachers have been women but some of them have been blokes, prompting a panic well described in this Seinfeld episode (S3E1). I often have to deal with this panic with some of my bloke students, but … Continue reading

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I was doing a coconut oil pull this evening while watching Seinfeld (Busboy episode) when I burst out laughing… Oy.

I went out to the fridge afterward to calm down and this is what I found on top of my ripening mangoes:

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