Monthly Archives: August 2016

Jewish Liberal Argues That The Book Of Deuteronomy Pronounces Republican Senate Out Of Order

Did Jewish liberals say the same things when the Democratic-controlled Senate did not want to appoint a Republican nominee to the Supreme Court just before an election? I doubt it. From the Jewish Journal: Laura W. Brill is a media … Continue reading

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On the Reality of Race & the Abhorrence of Racism Part II: Human Biodiversity & Its Implications

Professor Brian Boutwell writes: If you observe the residents of Japan and compare them to residents of the rural southern United States, you’ll note some differences. Some differences will be stark, others less so, yet they will not be isolated … Continue reading

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Does Baltimore Suffer From Too Much Law Enforcement?

Comment at The Atlantic: * I was riding in a truck through Northeast Baltimore, today. And saw dozens of young men openly selling drugs. And saw at least 5 different women selling themselves on the streets for drug money. So … Continue reading

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Trump Speaks About Immigration

Comment: Trump gave an excellent speech today in Fort Lauderdale. Go to 2:41:50 and watch for 1 minute. Trump criticized mass immigration into the United States. He displayed a chart showing the past increase in the immigrant population in the … Continue reading

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Doing Business With Jews

A gentile friend of mine who does not tend to be anti-Jewish, tweets: * Media playing Trump’s statement to literal truth vs their side using lies is the business MO of every Jew I’ve worked with * The 2nd basic … Continue reading

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