Monthly Archives: August 2016

Pedestrian Island Beggars

Comments: On the subject of cults, any insights into the persons standing in pedestrian “islands” of major streets holding up “Homeless, please help” signs? Not only have I noticed that every street corner of the major intersections features one of … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: If the Latest Milwaukee Riot Isn’t Hillary’s Sister Souljah Moment, What Would be?

Comments: * Why should she? She’s leading by freaking 10 points in North Carolina and Virginia, about tied in Georgia. She doesn’t need to take any risks at all, because the American people are beyond cucked and Trump can’t [stop] … Continue reading

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‘Wake up, Aussies’: Far-right Pauline Hanson supporters dressed as Muslims storm church

I wonder if churches would be less refugee friendly if there were more of these events. NEWS: A far-right nationalist group that links itself to Pauline Hanson stormed a church service on Sunday dressed in mock Muslim attire and chanting … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Muslim Holymen Gunned Down in Queens by a Hispanic; Trump Is Blamed

Chaim Amalek writes: “Anyone remember the “Black Israelites” or “Black Hebrews”? These people have been standing on street corners in Manhattan (often around 34th and 8th Avenue) for decades, calling for the extermination of the white race and all white … Continue reading

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Blacks Riot In Milwaukee

Comments at Steve Sailer: * This is another example of the “conquering of territory”. For example: black actor wins Oscar, now all blacks deserve all Oscars in perpetuity. Or else hell shall be paid. Now if any black gets killed … Continue reading

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