Monthly Archives: August 2016

White supremacists using Twitter mentions to organize, recruit, and unify

Sociologist Philip Cohen writes for the Southern Policy Law Center: These are commented excerpts from a Twitter conversation I had with a bunch of Trump-supporting racists on August 15. It started with my complaining to Jesse Singal about a table … Continue reading

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Women Need To Be Protected

Martin Van Creveld writes: Delicate souls that they are, women need to be protected against “’objectification” and “verbal abuse.” Women need to be protected against cunning pimps who first promise them the earth and then enslave them. Women need to … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Mexicans like keeping Mexico Mexican

Steve Sailer writes: You are often told that if you look at a map, you can see that it’s a law of nature that the United States of America must fill up with Mexicans. You almost never hear anybody suggest … Continue reading

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Why Milwaukee Burns – Black social breakdown and anti-cop ideology put another American city to the torch

A friend says: “MacDonald writes about the rioting promoted by BLM as an attack on “White” society and civilization. I believe she is correct. The logical consequences of this are that, if this succeeds, it will force any black police … Continue reading

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What Will It Take for the U.S. Jewish Establishment to Break Its Silence on Trump?

Benjy Cannon writes: American Jews overwhelmingly oppose Donald Trump. From the 72% overall who view him unfavorably to the prominent Republicans Jews who have loudly criticized him, there’s a broad American Jewish consensus that he should not be president. So … Continue reading

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