Monthly Archives: August 2016

Milwaukee, Cedar Falls(!), Melbourne: Three Black Riots—Three Explanations

John Derbyshire writes: When these riots happen, you get a lot of thumb-sucking pieces about why they happen, what causes them. Well, what does cause them? You’re asking me? Well, I’m a race realist, so I’ll give you an answer … Continue reading

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The media’s indictment of Trump as an anti-Semite

By STEPHEN J. SNIEGOSKI: Despite the fact that they are forever scrutinizing Donald Trump, the mainstream media seem to have largely missed the fact that he advocates policies more supportive of Israel than those of any American president. They missed … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Son Eric Married A Jew

From Tabletmag Nov. 10, 2014: Those Trump kids sure have a type. Five years after Ivanka Trump married New York Observer publisher Jared Kushner (a card-carrying MOT for whom she converted), younger brother Eric Trump followed in her footsteps, marrying … Continue reading

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Would Trump’s Defeat Be Blamed On Jews?

Comments at * There’s quite a lot of dumb stuff in MacDonald’s writing as usual. His prediction that the old GOP establishment will fall from power if Trump loses makes no sense. Paul Ryan will continue to be Speaker … Continue reading

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WP: Armed, Confederate flag-waving White Lives Matter protesters rally outside Houston NAACP

Washington Post: One sign simply read “14 words,” a reference to the white supremacist motto: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” What exactly is supremacist about securing the existence of your people … Continue reading

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