Monthly Archives: August 2016

Are Black Neighborhoods ‘Segregated’?

Steve Sailer writes: We’re always being told that white flight occurred because whites succumb to irrational Stereotypes about blacks being crime prone, so, logically, these black families are saving a bundle by living by in safe yet low rent neighborhoods. … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Alt-Right Speech

Comments at Steve Sailer: * NBC’s First Read What does the “Alt Right” mean? At 3:00 pm ET, Hillary Clinton will deliver remarks from Reno, NV tying Donald Trump to the conservative ‘Alt Right” movement. But what does the Alt … Continue reading

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NYT: Anne Frank Today Is a Syrian Girl

Is Anne Frank a Palestinian girl? A Ukrainian girl? An Iranian girl? An Iraqi girl? So Anne Frank stands in for whatever cause you want to embrace. Got it. Nicholas Kristof writes: AMSTERDAM — On April 30, 1941, a Jewish … Continue reading

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The Complicated Appeal of the Harambe Meme

The New York Times says: “The meme has also been used to spread harmful messages…” Ohmigod, not harmful messages? That’s horrible. So sad. The MSM would never spread harmful messages, right?

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Chateau: “Although my pictures suggest otherwise I’m not entirely superficial”: The female rationalization hamster on speed.

Source. Every Mexican maid knows she's a half-White baby away from the middle class. — John Rivers (@JohnRiversToo) August 25, 2016

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