Monthly Archives: August 2016

What’s the Alt-Right?

Professor Thomas Maier writes: Alt-Right leaders, unlike Neo-Nazis or KKK supporters, are intellectually and rhetorically sophisticated. Jared Taylor, editor of the American Renaissance website, holds degrees from Yale and the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris. On his site, Taylor published … Continue reading

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Hillary’s Speech On The Alt Right

There's a reason the most hateful fringe of the right wing is supporting Donald Trump. — Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 25, 2016 Comments at Steve Sailer: * I have to guess that Trump will disavow the alt-right in the most … Continue reading

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PBS: Bill Kristol’s Son-in-law Denounces “Alt-right” Nobodies Because They “Believe in Hierarchies”

Steve Sailer writes: … Continetti, like all respectable conservatives, hates the very idea of hierarchies. Look at how Continetti’s father-in-law, William Kristol, came up the hard way from the ground up without a privilege in the world, what with being … Continue reading

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Hillary: Trump Would Ban 1.5 Billion Muslims from Entering the U.S.

Steve Sailer writes: Hillary takes skepticism about Muslim immigration very personally. To Hillary, American immigration policy is, first and foremost, all about her Huma. COMMENTS: * They make a lovely couple. Both are officially “married” to pervert/sex offenders, but they … Continue reading

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Where Are the Black Rudy Giulianies?

Robert Weissberg writes: Reaction to the recent Milwaukee riot has followed a predictable script and for liberals this requires insisting that that blacks themselves are largely blameless for the “uprising.” But, even if liberals admit that some Milwaukee residents were … Continue reading

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