Monthly Archives: August 2016

Schizos Are Dangerous

Dr. James Thompson writes: As you can see, assaults are committed by 1 in 7 untreated schizophrenics and by 1 in 10 treated schizophrenic patients per year. Treatment is only moderately effective in this regard. These are very high rates … Continue reading

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‘Healing a divided Britain: the need for a comprehensive race equality strategy’

Dr. James Thompson blogs: They give details of inequality in education and learning; work, income and the economy; health and care; justice, security and the right to life; and the individual and society. I started by looking at the references, … Continue reading

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How Important Is High Average National IQ For Prosperity?

Gregory Cochran writes: As far as average IQ scores go, this is what the world looks like. But there are two relevant tests: the Stanford-Binet, and life itself. If a country scored low on IQ but at the same time … Continue reading

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Who Can You Trust?

All of the American nuclear scientists who gave secrets to Stalin were Jews. On the other hand, without Jewish scientists, America might not have had the bomb first. Stalin’s hard turn against the Jews after WWII seems to fit historical … Continue reading

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WP Asks The Important Question: ‘A lot of conservative pundits have hitched their stars to Donald Trump. What if he loses?’

Callum Borchers writes for the Washington Post: In future elections, Republicans seeking office will have to answer an important question: Where did you stand on Donald Trump? Some seem acutely aware of this looming litmus test and are riding the … Continue reading

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