Monthly Archives: August 2016

The alt-right’s take on Clinton’s speech: Botched, but legitimizing

David Weigel writes: Hillary Clinton’s highly touted address on the “alternative right” sparked debates in every corner of American politics. For some commentators on the left, such as the historian Rick Perlstein, Clinton’s decision to cleave “mainstream” conservatism from the … Continue reading

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Top 10 signs your kid is #AltRight

LINK: 4. They refer to you as a “cuck” when you put on FOX News. 5. They refuse to do their chores because it is the current year. 6. They’ve carved ancient Nordic symbols into their wrists that “normiefags like … Continue reading

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New Test Detects Race and Gender With a Single Hair

News: Look out criminals. The crime-busting tools of science fiction are becoming a reality. A new forensic test can detect the ethnicity and gender of someone using nothing but a single hair, and in less than two minutes no less, … Continue reading

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Girl, 16, took own life after fearing she’d be called a racist after picture of her with darkened skin was shared online

Daily Mail: A teenage girl took her own life after fearing she would be called racist after a photo of her with darkened skin and a headscarf was shared online. Phoebe Connop, 16, from Halesowen in the West Midlands, had … Continue reading

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Cathy Young: The Unbearable Dumbness of Being Alt-Right

Cathy Young writes: An even more salient point, however, is that Western culture is essentially a mongrel culture. To sing plaudits to Western culture while singing the virtues of unmolested ethnic homogeneity is a bit like holding a charity dinner … Continue reading

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