Monthly Archives: August 2016

“Blacks are Cursed”—Top Israeli Rabbi

New Observer: One of Israel’s most senior rabbis who sits on that country’s supreme rabbinical policy-making council has announced that Africans are “cursed” because they have black skin. Rabbi Yitzchok Zilberstein sits on the Moetzes Gedolei HaTorah (the “Council of … Continue reading

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MSM Lies over “Allahu Akbar” Stabbing in Australia

New Observer: Yesterday’s “Allahu Akbar” stabbing attack in Australia has highlighted the ongoing establishment/media lies over Islamist terrorism and legal Third World immigration. Chinese-origin Mia Ayliffe-Chung was stabbed to death by North African-origin Smail Ayad—but the media insists they are … Continue reading

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Disinformation About 2008 Georgia-Russia War

Steve Sailer writes: Would the New York Times blithely report “preventing Arab nationalism is a centerpiece of the foreign policy of Israel, which invaded Egypt and Syria in October 1973 largely to forestall that possibility”? Or would the editors reject … Continue reading

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Will too many Israeli children lead to demographic disaster?

Isn’t it the quality of the children that matters? If they are high IQ (over 115), then they will be a blessing to the nation. If they have IQs under 100, they will be a curse to the Jewish state. … Continue reading

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WP: What’s the alt-right? A primer

David Weigel writes for the Washington Post: ‘The Camp of the Saints’ A 1973 French novel by Jean Raspail, published as “Le Camp des Saints,” which envisions an immigrant invasion of France, and which many on the alt-right view as … Continue reading

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