Monthly Archives: August 2016

Jews, Nationalism and the Alt-Right

I’ve been writing on this subject since 1998 when Reggie White got in trouble for remarking on group differences. Around the same time, I read The Bell Curve which made it obvious what I had always suspected — different races … Continue reading

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Jeffrey Toobin Reveals Patty Hearst’s Real Crime

“In the end, notwithstanding a surreal detour in the 1970s, Patricia led the life for which she was destined back in Hillsborough. The story of Patty Hearst, as extraordinary as it once was, had a familiar, even predictable ending. She … Continue reading

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Esther Jungreis, Orthodox Jewish Outreach Pioneer, Dies at 80

She had a gift, she had passion, she was a mighty warrior for her people and she did all her campaigning within the strict confines of Orthodox Judaism. There can be a public role for women in Orthodox Judaism. Esther … Continue reading

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What Orthodox Women Wear to the Beach Is No Different From a Burkini

The beach is a key part of Australian culture. If you won’t go to the beach and have a swim, you’re not a real Australian. I guess the ancient Greeks said that anyone who does not compete in the nude … Continue reading

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Op/Ed: Quit Your Liberal Condescension Toward Jews Who Love Trump As a Jewish immigrant from the Former Soviet Union whose family came to the United States in 1980, I’ve been dismayed to see so many liberals looking down their noses at Russian Jews who support Republican presidential nominee Donald … Continue reading

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