Daily Archives: July 8, 2016

‘The shooter’s home. #blackprivilege’

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The Dallas Shooter — Micah Xavier Johnson

“Micah Xavier Johnson (right). Professor Griff from Public Enemy (left). Source: Facebook…” More. From Twitter: * Micah Xavier Johnson looks like black female #WestPoint cadets @WestPoint_USMA Why were these cadets not expelled?

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Massacre In Dallas

Cops shoot black suspects. It must be racism. Suspect shoots cops, says he wanted to kill white people. It must be guns. — Ben Shapiro (@benshapiro) July 8, 2016 Just as Obama refused to mention Radical Islam (much less Islam),no … Continue reading

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WP Op/Ed: For black Americans, this week was a nightmare. Does our country care?

An editor at the Washington Post, Christine Emba, writes: I’m a black woman living in the United States of America, but I didn’t grow up with a pervasive sense of fear. I was taught that things were getting better — … Continue reading

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How Trump speaks

Byron York writes: Donald Trump’s speech in Cincinnati Wednesday night astonished even those in the press corps and political world who have spent a long time watching Donald Trump speeches. As Trump talked and talked — the speech lasted 68 … Continue reading

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