Daily Archives: July 3, 2016

Pushing The Mexicans Out Of Valley Village

Valley Village resident Steve Sailer writes: In my neighborhood, the Mexicans tend to get pushed out by taciturn guys named Ivan and Vlad. Nobody saw that coming.

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Who Are The Mizrahim?

Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ around 110, Sephardim around 97 and Mizrahim around 92. Comment: The Middle Eastern Jews are better described as Mizrahi, leaving Sephardic to describe the smaller group of Jews descended from the Spanish and Portuguese … Continue reading

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Talking Trump At A Shabbat Dinner

Comments at Steve Sailer: * At a “shabatt’ dinner i had with the Jewish half of my family, the topic of trump came up. Predictably, everyone at the table (except me, sitting silently) was denouncing him and saying how scary … Continue reading

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Comment: Google is learning, too. Do a search for “Bolshevism” and marvel at what you’ll see in the featured “snippet box”, the “no. zero result.” Then, if you like conundrums, check some guides on how to get your page featured … Continue reading

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Jeremy Schaap: ‘Iceland is more of an extended family than a country’

Steve Sailer’s definition of race is “an extended family partly in-bred.” Every healthy country “is more of an extended family.” Devotion to blood and soil is what makes a healthy nation. Jeremy Schaap on Iceland.

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