Monthly Archives: July 2016

HOUSE OF CARDS: The End of $NFLX & Social Signaling, Human Biodiversity As A Stock Price Tell

Charles Johnson writes: Netflix’s stock price decline is the latest example that the Johnson dollar diversity dilemma hypothesis in full swing. We previously noted it in connection with Twitter. The Johnson dollar diversity dilemma hypothesis is that you can tell … Continue reading

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Lessons Of Ferguson

Comment: If you steal some cigarillos from a store, then don’t walk around holding them openly in your hand. If you do walk around holding them openly in your hand, then don’t walk in the middle of the street. If … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer: ‘It’s amusing that a leader of the world’s largest religion effectively believes that religion doesn’t matter.’

BBC: Pope Francis warns world ‘is at war’ after Europe attacks Pope Francis has warned that a recent wave of jihadist attacks in Europe is proof that “the world is at war”. However, he stressed he did not mean a … Continue reading

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Emails: DNC Staffers Annoyed At Having To Commemorate The Holocaust

Daily Caller: “We aren’t going to do statements for every Jewish holiday unless she wants to do them for every religious holiday and trust me, this Catholic can give you a list of them,” Houghton replied. “Also when she does … Continue reading

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The Left Goes Ballistic

Steve Sailer writes: At a ceremony for some of the various policemen recently shot by his fellow Black Lives Matter advocates, President Barack Obama described the postapocalyptic hellscape of gun violence that is America today: We flood communities with so … Continue reading

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