Daily Archives: June 26, 2016

WP: This rapper rallied to stop violence on Baltimore streets. An hour later, he was shot and killed.

Sad! Washington Post: He was a rapper trying to stop violence in Baltimore. Tyriece Travon Watson, better known as Lor Scoota, had just finished hosting a charity basketball game. The fliers advertising the event had said, “Pray for peace in … Continue reading

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LAT: At least five people stabbed at neo-Nazi event outside Capitol in Sacramento

Los Angeles Times: Matthew Heimbach, chairman of the Traditionalist Worker Party who did not attend the rally, said his group and the Golden State Skinheads had organized the Sunday rally. Vice Chairman Matt Parrott, who was not present at the … Continue reading

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Time For Americans To Get Israeli Rude About Immigration?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * In public, Americans often act very upbeat about immigration and diversity. Mostly to appear polite and accomodating. Expressing rudeness and unpleasantness in public is generally not how Americans do things. Unfortunately, that leads towards oligarchs … Continue reading

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The Moral Derangement Of Elizabeth Fauxcahontas Warren

From Heartiste: Here’s the deal on these degenerate equalist freaks: once you understand that their religion is race creationism — and that any attacks on their religious belief using incontrovertible evidence to the contrary will be met with the same … Continue reading

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Women’s Masochism

From Heartiste: In a study of paraphilia (obsession with unusual sexual practices), a curious sex difference poked out of the findings. See if you can spot it. That’s right, men are over-represented in every sexual perversion except one: masochism. Women … Continue reading

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