Daily Archives: June 15, 2016

Is America At War With Islam?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Liberals declare, as though a self-evident truth: “We can’t go to war with the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims.” Why not? For decades we were at war with that other ideology bent on world domination, communism. … Continue reading

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Donald Trump’s Commonsense On Immigration

Steve Sailer writes: The latest Muslim massacre has driven the mainstream media absolutely berserk with fear and loathing…but not, though, of the Muslim terrorist who murdered 49 Latino gays in Florida. Instead, the bad guy is Donald Trump for having … Continue reading

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Reddit post: I work at Google HQ – we do not deny censoring autocomplete to favor Hillary

Reddit: I’m not even a Trump supporter – just a “typical” libertarian leaning tech guy. I voted for Ron Paul. I think free trade is always the answer, even when trade partners are being dicks (fuck me in this election, … Continue reading

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Prager & Prayer

Al emails: Listening to the Dennis Prager radio program last Friday, June 10th, I heard the beginning of a telephone call from a woman caller that went something like this: I am calling you because you are a deeply religious … Continue reading

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