Monthly Archives: June 2016

‘Red State’ Editors Support Democrat Mob Attacks on American Trump Supporters: ‘Deserve to be Beaten’

From Breitbart: Embittered “#NeverTrump” consultants and bloggers are ragging on American voters who support presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump, telling them they “deserve to be beaten,” as Americans are chased down and assaulted for merely attending a U.S. political rally. … Continue reading

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Let’s Make Pico-Robertson Great Again!

Friend: “Truth be told, I hate that place. I hate Pico, it’s dirty, overcrowded, smoggy and I don’t like most of the people there. The only good thing is walking distance to shul and convenience of kosher items. I’m also … Continue reading

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Under-Earning Thinking

I just spotted some of my under-earning thinking. As I was reaching into my pocket for my keys, I found myself thinking, “Wouldn’t it be cool if they weren’t there so I would have to knock on the door and … Continue reading

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Muhammad Ali: Never the White Man’s Negro

America and blacks are far better off for this aggressive change in attitude, right? New York Times: “In Chicago over Memorial Day weekend, 64 people were shot, six fatally.” Joyce Carol Oates writes: When Muhammad Ali was a young man, … Continue reading

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Muhammad Ali’s IQ

From VDARE: A few thoughts apropos of Steve Sailer’s post, which included Muhammad Ali’s IQ, 75 and linked to Phillippe Rushton’s piece, which explained how mystified college professors are when seemingly engaged, prepared, intelligent, garrulous and entertaining black students fail … Continue reading

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