Monthly Archives: June 2016

WP: Why the Stanford attacker’s smiling photo is far more telling than any mugshot

Petula Dvorak writes for the Washington Post: Take a look at Brock Turner’s happy, privileged face. This is what campus predators look like, America. Bring it on — the brilliant smile of a Stanford swimmer with Olympic dreams, the happy … Continue reading

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Tyler Cowen: ‘The most significant neo-reaction thinker today probably is Steve Sailer’

Comments at Steve Sailer: * It’s absolutely nutty. No disrespect intended, Steve – you have been fighting a lonely and important fight for a very, very long time. You were the only “raycisss” I ever read when I was a … Continue reading

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When you remove Jews from their natural habitat, this is what happens. Sad!

Daily Mail: Saved by their mobile phones: Dozens of Jewish teenagers from London are rescued after using their handsets as distress beacons when trapped by the rising tide below the White Cliffs of Dover Extraordinary footage taken from helicopter shows … Continue reading

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Antisemitism watchdog adds (((echo))) symbol to hate list after Jews targeted

The Guardian: US antisemitism watchdog, the Anti-Defamation League, has added the “(((echo)))” symbol, used online by white supremacists to single out Jews, to its online database of hate symbols. The group’s decision comes days after Google removed a Chrome extension … Continue reading

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Mexico’s Foreign Secretary Lambastes Trump’s Anti-Mexican Rhetoric

The coalition of the fringe back at it. In real life, Ashkenazi Jews and Mexicans (outside the top 10% white elite) have almost nothing in common and rarely socialize. Jewish Insider reports: Mexican Foreign Secretary Claudia Ruiz Massieu issued a … Continue reading

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