Monthly Archives: June 2016

Who Is Kamala Harris?

Steve Sailer writes: Harris has been in the news since 1994 when she was the very special 29-year-old guest at the 60th birthday party of master politician Willie Brown, the longtime speaker of the state assembly, who, by the way, … Continue reading

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Monkey in Kenya Survives After Setting Off Nationwide Blackout

NYT: A nationwide blackout in Kenya was caused by one monkey jumping on a transformer at a power station…

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Exploring Jewish Identity in Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut

By Bryn V. Young-Roberts: Although Geoffrey Cocks explored the theme of Holocaust running through the entire oeuvre of Kubrick in The Wolf at the Door (2004), and devoted a section to Eyes Wide Shut, he only touched upon the theme … Continue reading

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A Conservative Converts To Sufi Islam

Michael van der Galien writes in 2009: Most regular readers of Poligazette will know by now that I’m a Muslim, specially drawn to Sufi Islam (which doesn’t make me very popular among fundamentalists, to put it mildly). Fortunately, any time … Continue reading

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The Mask Comes Off: The Alt-Right Is Racist to Its Core

From PJ Media: These commenters all share some specific views — views that are diametrically opposed to traditional conservatism. Firs, they look at people as part of “a tribe,” a word they actually use rather frequently. There is the “white … Continue reading

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