Monthly Archives: June 2016

Chaim Amalek: ‘When Moshiach comes, every day will be like an inner party.’

Chaim Amalek: “And no, the goyim will not be invited to attend. They will have their own, inferior parties, but ours will beat theirs because at ours, we will learn torah all day long. “The only woman I ever met … Continue reading

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Your Skin Is Your Uniform

Vox Day writes: Everywhere you go, from San Jose to Melbourne, the race war will find you. Vibrants don’t give a damn that you are a good anti-racist. They could not care less that you deplore racism with every bone … Continue reading

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Is this like the eternal struggle between Jews and goyim?

Maybe different groups have different interests? The Atlantic: The Very Long War Between Snakes and Newts The two have been locked in an evolutionary arms race since before they even existed. In the mountains of Oregon, there are newts with … Continue reading

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Terror Attack In Tel Aviv

Israeli resident Brad Salzman posts on FB: A terror attack in Tel Aviv last night wounded 20 Jews and killed 4. Not looking forward to all the sadface hashtags and FB posts whining about how Israel is a victim and … Continue reading

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Mom burns daughter alive because she married for love

More Muslim immigrants please! New York Post: LAHORE, Pakistan — A Pakistani woman was arrested Wednesday after dousing her daughter with kerosene and burning her alive, allegedly because the girl had defied her family to marry a man she was … Continue reading

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