Monthly Archives: June 2016

Trump & The Judge

From the Chateau: Some Mexican–american judge is set to rule against Trump in a lawsuit concerning Trump U. Trump went to the samizdat airwaves to claim, rightly, that the judge’s Mexican heritage means there’s a really good chance the judge … Continue reading

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‘How Normal Are You?’

From the Chateau: The first thing you’ll notice after dropping a qualification MOAB on a woman is how eagerly she steps to the challenge. It’s as if she’d spent her whole life up until she met you trapped in a … Continue reading

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The Sad Squeaks Of An Aging Starlet’s Rationalization Hamster Spinning Its Final Wheel

From the Chateau: Sharon Stone is a long way from her star turn in the movie Basic Instinct as a femme fatale who flashes her vaj during an interrogation. Thirty years on, paying audiences don’t want to see her vagina … Continue reading

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The Forward

Gerard J. Perry: “I actually had a conversation with one of their writers years ago at a bloggers’ party in Manhattan. When I told him that the idea of sharing the land, and the government, with Arab-Muslims who don’t want … Continue reading

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Jay Michaelson: Donald Trump Is a Candidate for White Supremacists — Not the Jews

Every group thinks it is supreme. This is not a problem unique to whites. Judaism holds that Jews are God’s chosen people. How is that not supremacist? Jay Michaelson writes: Let’s take “white supremacy” out of the realm of insult. … Continue reading

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