Monthly Archives: June 2016

‘I feel like this presidential election is essentially a battle between the article and the comments section.’

Her name was Lola, she was a showgirl With yellow feathers in her hair and a dress cut down to there She would merengue and do the cha-cha And while she tried to be a star Tony always tended bar … Continue reading

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When Can We Get Past Islamophobia Accusations?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The debate is happening when attacks like the one in Orlando, Fla., have raised concerns about both Islamic radicalism and Islamophobia. At what point does Muslim mass murder of non-Muslims rise to a level where … Continue reading

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Are The Splash Bros Real?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * The two GSW splash brothers, Stephen Curry and Klay Thompson: 1. Their fathers were both relatively lighter skinned black men who themselves played in the NBA, Dell Curry and Mychal Thompson 2. They were both … Continue reading

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What If the Orlando Murderer Were a Christian?

Dennis Prager writes: Islam has never been a religion of peace. It began as a warlike religion, and throughout its history, whenever possible, Muslims made war on non-Muslims, from the polytheists of North Africa to the Hindus of India. A … Continue reading

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NYT: To Beat Anti-Semitic Trolls Online, Some Co-Opt Their Weapons and Mock Them

New York Times: Now, a wide swath of Twitter users, both Jews and gentiles, has also adopted the parentheses, hoping to spread awareness of the issue and make it more difficult to target individuals. In an interview, Mr. Rosenberg said … Continue reading

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