Monthly Archives: June 2016

The Left’s Hypocrisy on Online Harassment and Anti-Semitism

Mike Cernovich writes: The Internet is a dangerous place, according to Jewish journalists who dislike having (((echoes))) places around their names. Yes, grown men are actually outraged that some trolls will put their last names in parentheses to identify them … Continue reading

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Ann Coulter: Did Anyone Talking About Trump’s Speech Actually Hear It?

Ann Coulter writes: The media have lost their minds after Trump’s magnificent speech on Monday. It’s all hands on deck, no attack is too extreme. Their main point is: DO NOT LOOK AT THAT SPEECH. It has “words that wound.” … Continue reading

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What Creates Jihadis?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * They become Jihadists because Islamic culture allows them to be, through its veneration of martyrdom. If you’ve got a quick path to glory, it doesn’t take much to push you down it. * Just noting … Continue reading

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Why Orlando Massacre Has America So Angry With Itself — Guns, Islam and Especially Homophobia

J.J. Goldberg writes: For all the rancor in our national discourse over the past decade, it’s hard to remember a moment so dominated by vitriol and mutual loathing as the aftermath of the Orlando shooting. It’s almost as though we’re … Continue reading

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How a Jewish Con Man Tried To Get Herbert Hoover To Think in Yiddish

Walter Shapiro writes: “Not political by nature, Freeman grasped the biggest truth about presidential campaigns— millions of dollars flowed through party coffers with minimal accounting. That’s why he had tried to sell the Democrats in 1916 on paying him to … Continue reading

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