Monthly Archives: June 2016


Comment: Anyone see this author Sebastian Junger on PBS Newshour? He’s got a book out called Tribe about community..can’t even define tribe – no reference to extended family or race..jeesh. Does he have any idea where the aboriginal tribes came … Continue reading

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Hillary PR Team @OnMessageForHer

From twitter: * So beautiful to see DC politicians set aside their largely superficial differences and stand united against Trump! * Trump’s only ties to the working class are the thousands of them he employed in various business ventures. #Fraud … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Creators of “Zootopia” Intended It Originally as an Allegory on Stifling Political Correctness

Comments at Steve Sailer: * People are discomfited by the implied blackness of the predators. Even though the thrust is sympathetic to them and mocks the prey’s fear as hysterical, the implication is that it’s unfortunate blacks have to wear … Continue reading

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Jews Rule The World

Little old Jewish lady sees her husband looking at his laptop, nodding and smiling. She looks over his shoulder and sees he’s on the Stormfront website. “Murray, why are you reading that Nazi trash?” “Because it’s full of wonderful news.” … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Is #BlackLivesMatter Just a Jobs for the Gays Racket?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * In Bonfire of the Vanities, Reverend Bacon, the Al Sharpton character, enlists the aid of Gay Rights groups to help stage protests against the NYPD and Sherman McCoy. Either this gay and black activist connection … Continue reading

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