Monthly Archives: June 2016

Orthodox ‘Christmas Elf’ Arrested in Sprawling New York Bribery and Corruption Probe

Forward: On Christmas Day three years ago, two Orthodox businessmen dressed as Christmas elves knocked on the door of the Staten Island home of a high-ranking officer in the New York City police department. The elves came bearing gifts, according … Continue reading

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When Orthodox Jews visit the Islamic Center for Ramadan

The story is a good reminder that there are no permanent friends or enemies in the world. Everything is time and context. In some times and contexts, Jews and Muslims have much in common. At other times, they are at … Continue reading

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Talking To Children Is Good Practice For Talking To Women

From the Chateau: There’s another way the behavior of children holds the key to successfully flirting with grown women. The conversation style that elicits peals of joy from children is pretty similar to the conversation style that elicits squeals of … Continue reading

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Rhetoric Vs Dialectic: How Game Principles Apply To Politics

From the Chateau: There’s no question the Trump Temptresses are more attractive than the Hillary Harpies. The photographic evidence accumulates with every rally and selfie. Trump women flaunt hourglass figures and bubble with estrogen. Hillary Hags bomb the retinas with … Continue reading

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Chicks Can’t Stop Loving Jerkboy Killers

From the Chateau: Tragically comic story coming out of Orlando. Noor AkbarMySnatchbar Salman, wife of murderous Muslim Omar Mateen (son of Afghan immigrants who is now the post-mortem proud jihadi owner of the worst mass shooting in American history), texted … Continue reading

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