Monthly Archives: June 2016

Brexit: It’s a wonderful day for Britain – and its Jews

From the Jewish Chronicle of London: By Stephen Pollard, June 24, 2016 As editor of the JC, I kept my views on the EU referendum off its pages. In so important a vote, I didn’t think it appropriate for the … Continue reading

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Who Is a Jew? Maybe Not Woman Converted by Esteemed New York Rabbi

I laugh that the article calls Rabbi Haskel Lookstein “esteemed.” Esteemed by who? Like all major rabbis, he has people who esteem him and people who loathe him. Everything is a matter of perspective. New York Times: JERUSALEM — Critics … Continue reading

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Blame Trump For Brexit?

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Left Wingers on social media and discussion boards are already blaming Donald Trump for The U.K leaving The European Union. Haters gonna hate. * They may have a point. Trump gave Brexit credibility, and now … Continue reading

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Opinion: On Brexit and the Jews

by David Patrikarakos | 06.16.16 11:40 am There is an argument to be made that Brexit would be good for the Jews because it would distance them from an increasingly anti-Semitic continent. This argument would be wrong. It will undoubtedly … Continue reading

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WP: Suspects charged in Pittsburgh cookout shooting that left 5 dead, led to anchor’s firing

The journalist was fired for being right. The truth is not politically correct. She committed the crime of noticing patterns. Washington Post: Three months after gunmen descended upon a family barbecue in a Pittsburgh suburb, opening fire on nearly a … Continue reading

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