Monthly Archives: June 2016

Why Are Journalists So Down About Brexit?

Why do all the journos sound so bummed out? Why should they care whether or not Britain leaves the EU? If they care so much, why? And if they have picked a side in this matter, how many other sides … Continue reading

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The Best Court Transcript Of All Time

Here. Highlights.

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Hurricane Carter

Comments at Steve Sailer: * I’ve gotten really tired of my Canadian relatives telling me what a great human being, the murderer, “Hurricane Carter” is. Unfortunately, the Negro males, like Carter, who cause most of the chaos in the USA … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: Supreme Court Blocks Obama’s Plan to Print Up 5 Million Get Out of Jail Free Cards for Illegal Aliens

Comments at Steve Sailer: * Obama was on TV immediately criticizing the decision. Wait, I thought according to the media last week, that criticizing judges was out of bounds? * My home town, Los Angeles, was destroyed by these people. … Continue reading

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What Motivated The Orlando Killer?

Comment: … lost in all the excitement yesterday was the FBI’s announcement that they can’t find any evidence that Omar Matteen ever had any gay lovers. The Manuel guy seems to have been a fabulist. Or, perhaps, a fffffabuliiiiiiist! Anyway. … Continue reading

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