Daily Archives: May 30, 2016

America’s Melting Pot

I never ate pizza until the summer of 1980, when I was 14 and we were eating out. I loved it. It was regarded as a naughty dish by my parents because it was too rich. We never had pizza … Continue reading

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Steve Sailer: The Growing Menace Posed by Lawless, Anti-democratic Autocracy in Central Europe

Steve Sailer writes: A couple of weeks ago in Taki’s Magazine, I recounted commenter Sean’s theory that the German Chancellor’s 2015 whim to open the gates of Europe was part of a coherent plan to weaken European opposition to united … Continue reading

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The Right: Home of the Domesticated Intellectual

Robert Weissberg writes: These are unusual political times but especially bizarre is the treatment of Donald Trump in many of today’s “conservative” magazines. I have not read them all, but of the three I do follow—The National Review, The Weekly … Continue reading

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