Monthly Archives: May 2016

Coalition: Park Ranger Uniforms ‘Threatening’ Latinos – Have ‘Cultural Implications’

( – A coalition of legislators and civil rights groups say the National Park Service needs to focus on increasing inclusion on public lands, including possibly changing the “threatening” uniforms of Park Rangers. “What we’re calling for is drastic, very … Continue reading

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John Wayne Was Pro-Latino

Steve Sailer writes: The odd thing is that Wayne was very pro-Latino, marrying three Latinas, making numerous movies in Mexico, making his “Alamo” movie surprisingly even-handed, debating Ronald Reagan on why America should give the Panama Canal to Panama. When … Continue reading

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RAW VIDEO: Donald Trump supporter walks through angry crowd of protesters

A Burlingame man wearing a red “Make America Great Again” ball cap decided to walk through a group of protesters outside the California GOP Convention in Burlingame. Comment: Trump doppleganger, Christopher Conway, of Burlingame, California plows through a crowd of … Continue reading

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Mexican Mediocrity

Steve Sailer wrote in 2011: Something I noticed last year when looking at 2009 PISA school achievement scores is the virtual non-existence of Mexico’s intellectual elite. Mexico’s average scores on this school achievement test of 15-year-olds were mediocre, but the … Continue reading

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Towards a Concept of White Wounding

Jesse Benn, who’s white and Jewish and has blocked me on Twitter even though I have never interacted with him, writes: (This is addressed to white people, from white people. The use of “you”, “us”, “we”, “our”, etc. are used … Continue reading

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